Friday, September 28, 2018


Have you ever felt connected when sharing an idea with someone and they see things exactly how you see it, or someone else is sharing or talking about an idea and you feel like he/she is reading your mind?
The field called IMAGINATION is an amazing small space with enormous room for whatever ideas or thoughts to play and manifest.
Imagination is like the football pitch or basketball court; where the opponent is on one side trying to beat you at it while you possess one side trying to do same. The limits to what you can do on the field of imagination are REALITY and YOURSELF.
It is like a basketball game or football or any other role playing team sport out there. As a player you get to find yourself playing certain positions at different times due to the situation on ground. But for you to be an all-star or a legend in such a sport requires you to be able to imagine or connect your imagination space with your team mates and at the same time against your opponents.
For an effective imagination to take place, one needs to recognise a desire or a lack of something which drives them to dive into the world of imagination trying to create, in their minds, a place where such is in abundance or exists.
The beauty of the field called Imagination is the fact that it is the birth place of ideas; be it good or bad, useful or useless.
But on this Field, you are not the only player. Just like in the sports, you have teammates, opponents, coaches, trainers and all sorts of support casts, and the fans. The roles each one plays matters in the outcome of your imagination. We will have moments of individual brilliance and some of team brilliance.
How much you know and the level to which you agree with the things you know determines the level of imaginations you can create and access. The difficult part to having an effective imagination is surrounding yourself with the tools and people that enhance your vision and give you a better condition.
In other words, to have a vivid and effective imagination depends on Who or what you believe in, the things you read, those you place around you, who you look up to and the extent to which you agree with the things around you.
On this field called IMAGINATION, we have different people playing and the limits to what you are capable of is the ones you put on yourself. You might be playing the same position as millions of others at a time or positions played by other minds in the past, which makes it safe to say that in the future, others will play your position.
Just like they are passes in sports like basketball and football, so also in the field of Imagination. Just as people collide trying to retrieve or go through places, just like people trying to prevent you from scoring, just like the lines define your field of play; so does REALITY to everyone playing in the field of imagination.
For your imagination to overwhelm reality and push the boundaries farther and wider, one needs to read, study and consider the way reality plays and then make plays and plans with all findings in consideration. When you can do all these, you give birth to what we call IDEAS.
The only time we can lose to imagination is when we refuse to play. Whenever we hold back our imagination, reality closes in on us and forces us to succumb to whatever it presents. But when we let the gates of our imagination open, we then begin to see the chink in reality’s Armor and then ideas begin to birth in our lives.
So go out, feed your eyes and ears, share and learn, listen and speak and let your imagination loose. By so doing you will thrive in this FIELD called IMAGINATION.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

The Simple Things..

I have to say, The Human race is by far the most stupid of all creatures I have the privilege of knowing.
What I have always believed and considered common sense to my uttermost surprise is not common.
For some funny reason, I have a feeling of all humanity still not ever having the intelligence of just one ant.
I am African, and I have seen places outside of my country and continent stumbled across stories and art forms that speaks volumes to what the human race is capable of and what we have become.
And I have come to a very light and simple yet difficult to swallow conclusion that ' The humans that lived before the 20th Century posses a higher level of intelligence and creativity.
People are now dumber and less creative than those before us and the scariest thing is how much that gap will keep on widening until the end of the world.
Life is simple in its self. The decisions and actions we take are what sets the degree or level of difficulty that we tend to face in our day to day ordeals.
I have stumbled on stories and individuals who decided and chose to make an impact in certain areas and succeeded greatly. One of such is Albert Einstein. Another is Abraham Lincoln and the list goes on.
But it is amazing how we wake up today to find in this world the most useless of beings with their nonchalant attitudes and stuck up mentality that chose to be useless and dumb.As a Man of Faith, my religion clearly makes something clear to me, 'what ever you desire you will get it but only if you have faith and work in accordance to that faith'.
Today, similarity is preached and promoted and almost every one if not all wants to like someone else.
Just because an elite few made it in a way, does not mean you can make it the same way as well.
we all have a unique DNA, IRIS, Finger Print and Voice for a reason. We are made to be unique and not similar. I have seen great minds reduced to mere slaves and great destinies truncated by lesser minds or the desire to be someone else. The most dangerous teaching and legacy passed down today is that of holding similarity in high esteem over differences and accommodate comfort over hard-work.
The Simple truth?
If we ever want to have the best of this life, we have to go back to the simple things in Life.
Smile, it takes nothing from you.
Be friendly, makes the world an easier place to live.
Always have your eyes on something, that way you always have something to live for.
Your Happiness should be tied to others not just yourself. That way you are relevant.
Every moment should be a capturing moment, to be cherished and remembered for good.
Learn from your mistakes but don't change who you are for anybody.
Make every moment count, for you might never have them again.
Always say what you mean, and mean what you say.

Now, ask yourself how sincere you are to yourself, then improve on it.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

The 'U' in YOU.

How I love the rhythms of life and the beautiful music it plays everyday.
Many at times I ask myself why I am still living in this cruel world and for some weird but pleasant reason i find pleasure in the affairs of life at the expense of others?
Why do I do the things I do without even giving a thought to how much I will hurt those around me and the ones I love?
If I have the chance to make the world a better place at the expense of my life, will I choose to save my self or the miserable world I wake up to everyday?
What if I have the power to make everyone bow to me or give all the freedom they so desire, will I be kind to let everyone be or stay true to my nature and let the whole world rot beneath me?
Enough of me, Let's get to understand you.
What if You had the chance to be God for a day, will the world survive a minute of your wrath with all it's cruelty?
What if you had the power to fight back anyone and everyone that wants or is trying to put you down, how far will you go?
If you had the power to change just one thing for good, will you be generous enough to let the world have it ?
Are you really true to yourself on what you truly are capable of when ever you relate to your environment?
If you had the chance to take away something from the past or change it what will it be ?
Do you really think both you and I have answers to any thing life throws at us?
How sure are you that you will still be here the next minute, hour, day, week, month or year?
If we ever meet, will you know me for who I am or the person I claim to be (for sure) and vice-versa?
If I ask you a question will you be true to me and even go the length of understanding me?
What if I make you aware that there is a solution to every problem for every one?
Will you agree with me or just argue things to suite your wicked and egocentric lifestyle?
Do you really think you are righteous? If yes, who or what are you comparing yourself with/to?

Everyday, Life plays a different melody. Some slow and some fast. But one thing is always certain, the rhythm only truly changes when we let it.
Our environment, belief and faith plays a major role in what life will offer to us on both the short-run and the long-run.
What if I say, 'You make your own melodies and rhythms in Life', will you believe me?

Sunday, July 6, 2014


Oh My GOD!!!, what happened?
Yeah, i am sorry, the time line makes absolutely no sense. Who the hell or what the hell am i thinking of to make me stray off what i started?
Did something happen, like ended up in the hospital kind of event or something?
Its writing, you spend a lot of time with your computer and you still ignore what you felt as a  good idea and something of purpose at the time and now its just a distraction? You are out of this world STUPID.

O, that's me just being me, thinking over my straying off easily away from things and getting lost half the time.

Why The Distractions?
The human mind is such a beautiful mystery. The way ideas are cooked up in our not so little imperfect world, how they manifest to reality and how they get dropped sometimes will always elude us.It can never be understood.
What might have started as a simple idea can change the world around us and add a little bit of perfection spice in our world. Can we actually attain that perfection we crave for ?
That's where distraction takes its toll on us as humans.
Are Distractions good or bad?
I prefer positive or negative in this case for two reasons; First, the effects of any distraction can be caused by our own actions and point of view. And secondly, by our immediate environment and its influences on us.
Some distractions add to our ideas, others take away from it and most of them are perfect enough to lead us away from those ideas.
But when is a distraction positive or negative?
Some Distractions offer clarity on decisions or ideas (which supposedly are positive distractions). While, some discourages you (negative). But, for a distraction to be viewed as negative or positive, the idea or goal needs to be clear on its purpose and method of delivery.

We are at a point in the cycle of the evolution of mankind where we all are diverse but look forward to a common goal or world. A place where we matter and our actions are absolute and others need to be below us. The United States of America can claim they have a Black President and what not, but the truth of the matter to me remains a major distraction to ease the minds of various diverse races around the globe to help them attain a certain level of trust.
My point exactly being the absent mindedness exhibited due to personal philosophies and the overall distraction of life so far - That we are all the same just only differentiated by skin colour.

I have in a single paragraph distracted you from what you perceived at the beginning of your read. Did you get anything from reading that one paragraph? well, that's for you.
I have and will always believe in this one simple philosophy of mine: For One to be able to push forward in Life, One needs to understand Self, Their perceptions/views and anticipate their own actions/reactions towards events and individuals and the acknowledgement that Luck is preparation meeting opportunity.
How do we get to learn about self and what can be a distraction ?
A friend once mentioned how our concept of right and wrong is based on our environment growing up and the society we end up in. We all are diverse up to our individual character for a reason. Different folks, different ideas. It's in our differences that understanding and knowledge comes. It's meant to be collective, not overpowered or dropped.
Only with an understanding of self will you then be able to differentiate ideas from distractions and be able to notice opportunities. For what might seem as a distraction at first will later be perceived as a missed opportunity and vice versa.

Most great ideas are born from curiosity which is as a result of distractions. Distractions are not good or bad, positive or negative. They are side attractions. They only become what they are based on our action or reactions towards them.
So next time you are distracted, take a minute or two to ponder over it and exercise your curiosity before making a decision.

For GREAT things come in Small Packages...

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Over time, things as we know have and will always change. Even the sciences that we so believe to be based on facts. Religion based on history. Socialization, Economies, power and what so ever we know of.
But what I am writing about is not about science, religion or any other thing but Racism.
Racism as we know it is typically having a certain kind of negative feeling towards a race. But in recent years, this racism has disguised it’s self in different ways of which its most commonly unrecognized form is Stereotypes.
According to the Merriam Webster’s dictionary of English, Racism is a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race; Or racial prejudice or discrimination. The Oxford online dictionary defines racism as the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
On the other hand, Stereotype is defined by the Oxford Dictionary of English as a person or thing that conforms to a widely held but oversimplified image of the class or type to which they belong.  While the Merriam Webster’s Dictionary defines it as something conforming to a fixed or general pattern; especiallya standardized mental picture that is held in common by members of a group and that represents an oversimplified opinion, prejudiced attitude, or uncritical judgment.
A close look at these definitions and you notice that the only difference with both of them is the one clear stated with that of oxford as Racism being to people of a race against that of stereotype exhibited towards a person or class of people associated with something.
I know what you are thinking now, I think about similar things as well when trying to justify my actions. If you are so quick to draw stereotypes by what you have read, heard and seen about certain individuals and using it as a base to judge a  group of people they belong, then I don’t see that as racism, Concur. No, i totally disagree. When we draw stereotypes, they are based on what we already have in mind about the race the person is from.
Stereotypes on the other hand takes similar traits like racism but stronger and the potency is determined by events and level of socialization and mix up.
As much as we try to claim, stereotype over racism for most of our actions, one from a distance or view will always see that as racism. For instance, there was a drive by yesterday in Denver being discussed on the news, the first conclusion drawn is that about Blacks or Hispanics. If a bomb goes off somewhere, the Arabs are the one to blame. And my favorite stereotype of all time, when one is scammed or defrauded, I will let you complete that one cause I already know what the world thinks about the popular Nigerian Prince Scams.

After careful, observation from my own perspective, I have come to understand that many people aged between 8-17 years of age tend to believe they are two races on earth, Black and White. And ages 18-26, are a little smarter (which they are supposed to), and they see a certain number of races based on their experiences, adding Yellow (Asians) and Brown (Arabs). For the rest of the age groups, what they think of a race is based on what occurred while in their early-mid 20s. Very few have the privilege to widen and understand how diverse and different races are and the traits they carry, from cultural to language differences.
As a result from the fight against racism, stereotypes are now the common way of exhibiting racism. A friend once said to me I cannot trust Black people cause they thieves, criminals and scumbags. As a fellow black person, I was offended but did not blame her. Because she is blinded by the media and stereotypes drawn around her that she forgot the friend she was trusting with such emotion and words is black as well. When she noticed, I was black again, she felt ashamed and started apologizing for her words and tried explaining herself. My response to her was not to bother, because I understand. And asked her if it was fair if I considered her race of people to be scoundrels, gold diggers and whores based on what the media and all has publicized? And the ended everything there.
We may say whatsoever we want to say about Racism and hide behind the not so protective Stereotype, then we are losing the war against Racism, having a Black American president won’t change anything. Nelson Mandela Clocking a hundred years and celebrating his freedom still won’t change anything. Until we get to understand the differences between races and individuals, we will keep losing. I have met amazing Arabs that have no idea about bombs and are not extremists, Nigerians that enjoy life and love the thrills it offers and amazingly sincere, Russians who can actually keep relationships and not mess around, surprisingly very smart Americans that actually know what is happening outside of their country and less intelligent Asians who suck at mathematics.
Yes I draw stereotypes as well, not going to claim I don’t. but I use my stereotypes as a means or an anti-racism when socializing.
Helps me understand what is sensitive and what is not and also the pace at which to move our relationship and how. And that’s towards an individual. 
Let’s put an end to RACISM and move on to developing this beautiful Home of ours called EARTH!!! 
Before you come to your own conclusions, ask yourself what you classify as stereotypes and how you view races.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

What do we really want in Life?

     I often ask people what they really want in life ? and every time they go round and round telling me how they want to be rich, get to meet some one or have something about them out there and so on.And after a while they start doubting if that's what they really want. At first i was kind of same, but after a while of living and not being able to get most of those dreams to come to reality, i stumbled across something rather unusual, which i believe a couple of people have finally gotten hold of and accepted. People, books and all will keep telling you things on how to realize your true potential and how to get what you want. What if what you want is not what you need? what if your perception on life is off?
i am not saying i know exactly what you need, or from what angle you need to view life from. but i have come to notice that every human in this life wants to be acknowledged.
      A friend keeps ringing it to my ears on how much men do everything in life just to have a woman at the end of it or women in some cases. And women do same to get the attention of the men around. Being a good stupid friend that loves adding humor to everything, quickly asked about the Homosexuals, And he goes to tell me how same applies for them but in a more challenging way compared to Heterosexuals. We go through life changing and adapting as time passes and we get to develop a certain character towards everything. For those who grew up being the center of attraction always tend to try their best to stay that way, even if it means changing their very core. We have seen and heard of cases of people moving away from their families, groups or even societies to be able to make a statement or to be heard. Rarely will you stumble upon some one who just wants never to be noticed. cause even serial killers are driven by the knowledge of their actions being a topic or a phenomenon out there.
      In the end, every human craves to be acknowledge, noticed and appreciated. its the most important thing for us. so before you go about shouting what and who you want to be, be sure of the reason why you doing it. the group of people you are seeking their acknowledgement.
      No Matter what we do in life, for us to be successful, we need to know how far we are willing to go to get that thing we want. And to be a success in anything, you have to first acknowledge yourself and the rest of the world will follow..

LIFE : What is Greatness?

      As you read this, There is a new born baby somewhere around the globe. Someone just moved on to the afterlife. So what is this Life and end of Life thing?
Over the years i have heard numerous people commend others for having a great life and criticizing others for an awful life. But what is a Great Life or an Awful Life?
       Some one once pointed out to me about the ideas of an individual over the perceptions of right and wrong, good and evil, success and failure all based on the the person's environment, upbringing, level of exposure and most importantly, the person's level of interaction and the influence of religion in those aspects and times of experiences in such a persons life so far.
       The issue of morality and the supposedly dark-sided twin, Immorality, still stands a big issue in our everyday lives. As someone still trying to understand the religion i have being a part of ever since i was born, the issue of morality drives the urge to get that understanding. An evangelist once said to me, to have a great life, you have to Live like Jesus did, And i have met some Muslims who think of such about Mohammed as well.
And for the Non religious, for them a great life is attaining a certain level in what ever they have planned for themselves in this life we live. Not to forget the Buddhist and other religions that strongly believe in Peace being the ultimate way of a great life. We have people that believe in world dominance as greatness and those who believe in having material things as greatness. Some religions even mentioning of greatness which can be attained when dead, some believe Knowledge is the key  And i have always asked my self the question that i believe drove some minds to take on the daring of tasks, and asking the most feared questions: Which of these is true, or are they all wrong and i have to find my coat?
      Is greatness Good or Bad ?
Going back in time through history of Mankind and Mythologies, we stumble across names and events that most accept are great and others choose to stand at the other side of the bridge. The perfect Example of such, Adolph Hitler. Is Hitler Great or did he live a great life?
He sure believed in his childhood stories to the point he searched for the mysteries of the world, the legends and religious artifacts mentioned and he went past lines that we call Inhuman. but did he not have fans and followers then as now? No matter how much we try to justify an action or event, to another group of persons, it is the opposite. by justifying our actions, do they become right or just an exception ?
     But is there any exception to greatness?
As a fan of sports, i have read and witnessed people rise to greatness in sports. Michael Jordan, Lebron James, Kobe Bryant, Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo, Frank Lampard, Tom Brady, Michael Schumacher, Travis Pastrana, Tony Hawks and the list goes on and on. Am i a fan of all of them? No. But nonetheless, they have placed their banners in the category of the sport they all play. some arguably greater than others.
     At the end, what gives it away that one has finally attained greatness in their life or when they pass?
As a fan of stats and the idea of comparison , i will go with the system.As a matter of fact, majority of the world over time, have and will always agree with the numbers, be it anything.
Any event or person can be great, either with good records or bad ones. Measures for such greatness can be illustrated using the number line. Negative as it is , being the negative part which holds disapproval and Positive which holds approval. the lower the number falls on both sides indicates how much an event or person will be categorized as great. The Holocaust remembered for its great numbers but when compared to that which happened in Uganda it is of a greater event and importance. For revolutions to be successful, the number needs to increase to a certain level of consideration.
     In the end, Greatness comes after an action. its the effect that comes along with every action and the magnitude at which it was done. so before you go on saying one had a great life or an awful one, think of the persons actions and the effects of those actions to the people involved. And always remember, the world we live in is trying so hard to make us see the truth but we are on the other hand trying so hard to ignore it. Voice what you see and feel but only after a well thought out period , cause you never know why he/she did what they did or they are doing...