Sunday, July 6, 2014


Oh My GOD!!!, what happened?
Yeah, i am sorry, the time line makes absolutely no sense. Who the hell or what the hell am i thinking of to make me stray off what i started?
Did something happen, like ended up in the hospital kind of event or something?
Its writing, you spend a lot of time with your computer and you still ignore what you felt as a  good idea and something of purpose at the time and now its just a distraction? You are out of this world STUPID.

O, that's me just being me, thinking over my straying off easily away from things and getting lost half the time.

Why The Distractions?
The human mind is such a beautiful mystery. The way ideas are cooked up in our not so little imperfect world, how they manifest to reality and how they get dropped sometimes will always elude us.It can never be understood.
What might have started as a simple idea can change the world around us and add a little bit of perfection spice in our world. Can we actually attain that perfection we crave for ?
That's where distraction takes its toll on us as humans.
Are Distractions good or bad?
I prefer positive or negative in this case for two reasons; First, the effects of any distraction can be caused by our own actions and point of view. And secondly, by our immediate environment and its influences on us.
Some distractions add to our ideas, others take away from it and most of them are perfect enough to lead us away from those ideas.
But when is a distraction positive or negative?
Some Distractions offer clarity on decisions or ideas (which supposedly are positive distractions). While, some discourages you (negative). But, for a distraction to be viewed as negative or positive, the idea or goal needs to be clear on its purpose and method of delivery.

We are at a point in the cycle of the evolution of mankind where we all are diverse but look forward to a common goal or world. A place where we matter and our actions are absolute and others need to be below us. The United States of America can claim they have a Black President and what not, but the truth of the matter to me remains a major distraction to ease the minds of various diverse races around the globe to help them attain a certain level of trust.
My point exactly being the absent mindedness exhibited due to personal philosophies and the overall distraction of life so far - That we are all the same just only differentiated by skin colour.

I have in a single paragraph distracted you from what you perceived at the beginning of your read. Did you get anything from reading that one paragraph? well, that's for you.
I have and will always believe in this one simple philosophy of mine: For One to be able to push forward in Life, One needs to understand Self, Their perceptions/views and anticipate their own actions/reactions towards events and individuals and the acknowledgement that Luck is preparation meeting opportunity.
How do we get to learn about self and what can be a distraction ?
A friend once mentioned how our concept of right and wrong is based on our environment growing up and the society we end up in. We all are diverse up to our individual character for a reason. Different folks, different ideas. It's in our differences that understanding and knowledge comes. It's meant to be collective, not overpowered or dropped.
Only with an understanding of self will you then be able to differentiate ideas from distractions and be able to notice opportunities. For what might seem as a distraction at first will later be perceived as a missed opportunity and vice versa.

Most great ideas are born from curiosity which is as a result of distractions. Distractions are not good or bad, positive or negative. They are side attractions. They only become what they are based on our action or reactions towards them.
So next time you are distracted, take a minute or two to ponder over it and exercise your curiosity before making a decision.

For GREAT things come in Small Packages...

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