Tuesday, July 5, 2016

The 'U' in YOU.

How I love the rhythms of life and the beautiful music it plays everyday.
Many at times I ask myself why I am still living in this cruel world and for some weird but pleasant reason i find pleasure in the affairs of life at the expense of others?
Why do I do the things I do without even giving a thought to how much I will hurt those around me and the ones I love?
If I have the chance to make the world a better place at the expense of my life, will I choose to save my self or the miserable world I wake up to everyday?
What if I have the power to make everyone bow to me or give all the freedom they so desire, will I be kind to let everyone be or stay true to my nature and let the whole world rot beneath me?
Enough of me, Let's get to understand you.
What if You had the chance to be God for a day, will the world survive a minute of your wrath with all it's cruelty?
What if you had the power to fight back anyone and everyone that wants or is trying to put you down, how far will you go?
If you had the power to change just one thing for good, will you be generous enough to let the world have it ?
Are you really true to yourself on what you truly are capable of when ever you relate to your environment?
If you had the chance to take away something from the past or change it what will it be ?
Do you really think both you and I have answers to any thing life throws at us?
How sure are you that you will still be here the next minute, hour, day, week, month or year?
If we ever meet, will you know me for who I am or the person I claim to be (for sure) and vice-versa?
If I ask you a question will you be true to me and even go the length of understanding me?
What if I make you aware that there is a solution to every problem for every one?
Will you agree with me or just argue things to suite your wicked and egocentric lifestyle?
Do you really think you are righteous? If yes, who or what are you comparing yourself with/to?

Everyday, Life plays a different melody. Some slow and some fast. But one thing is always certain, the rhythm only truly changes when we let it.
Our environment, belief and faith plays a major role in what life will offer to us on both the short-run and the long-run.
What if I say, 'You make your own melodies and rhythms in Life', will you believe me?

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