Friday, September 28, 2018


Have you ever felt connected when sharing an idea with someone and they see things exactly how you see it, or someone else is sharing or talking about an idea and you feel like he/she is reading your mind?
The field called IMAGINATION is an amazing small space with enormous room for whatever ideas or thoughts to play and manifest.
Imagination is like the football pitch or basketball court; where the opponent is on one side trying to beat you at it while you possess one side trying to do same. The limits to what you can do on the field of imagination are REALITY and YOURSELF.
It is like a basketball game or football or any other role playing team sport out there. As a player you get to find yourself playing certain positions at different times due to the situation on ground. But for you to be an all-star or a legend in such a sport requires you to be able to imagine or connect your imagination space with your team mates and at the same time against your opponents.
For an effective imagination to take place, one needs to recognise a desire or a lack of something which drives them to dive into the world of imagination trying to create, in their minds, a place where such is in abundance or exists.
The beauty of the field called Imagination is the fact that it is the birth place of ideas; be it good or bad, useful or useless.
But on this Field, you are not the only player. Just like in the sports, you have teammates, opponents, coaches, trainers and all sorts of support casts, and the fans. The roles each one plays matters in the outcome of your imagination. We will have moments of individual brilliance and some of team brilliance.
How much you know and the level to which you agree with the things you know determines the level of imaginations you can create and access. The difficult part to having an effective imagination is surrounding yourself with the tools and people that enhance your vision and give you a better condition.
In other words, to have a vivid and effective imagination depends on Who or what you believe in, the things you read, those you place around you, who you look up to and the extent to which you agree with the things around you.
On this field called IMAGINATION, we have different people playing and the limits to what you are capable of is the ones you put on yourself. You might be playing the same position as millions of others at a time or positions played by other minds in the past, which makes it safe to say that in the future, others will play your position.
Just like they are passes in sports like basketball and football, so also in the field of Imagination. Just as people collide trying to retrieve or go through places, just like people trying to prevent you from scoring, just like the lines define your field of play; so does REALITY to everyone playing in the field of imagination.
For your imagination to overwhelm reality and push the boundaries farther and wider, one needs to read, study and consider the way reality plays and then make plays and plans with all findings in consideration. When you can do all these, you give birth to what we call IDEAS.
The only time we can lose to imagination is when we refuse to play. Whenever we hold back our imagination, reality closes in on us and forces us to succumb to whatever it presents. But when we let the gates of our imagination open, we then begin to see the chink in reality’s Armor and then ideas begin to birth in our lives.
So go out, feed your eyes and ears, share and learn, listen and speak and let your imagination loose. By so doing you will thrive in this FIELD called IMAGINATION.

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