Sunday, March 3, 2013

LIFE : What is Greatness?

      As you read this, There is a new born baby somewhere around the globe. Someone just moved on to the afterlife. So what is this Life and end of Life thing?
Over the years i have heard numerous people commend others for having a great life and criticizing others for an awful life. But what is a Great Life or an Awful Life?
       Some one once pointed out to me about the ideas of an individual over the perceptions of right and wrong, good and evil, success and failure all based on the the person's environment, upbringing, level of exposure and most importantly, the person's level of interaction and the influence of religion in those aspects and times of experiences in such a persons life so far.
       The issue of morality and the supposedly dark-sided twin, Immorality, still stands a big issue in our everyday lives. As someone still trying to understand the religion i have being a part of ever since i was born, the issue of morality drives the urge to get that understanding. An evangelist once said to me, to have a great life, you have to Live like Jesus did, And i have met some Muslims who think of such about Mohammed as well.
And for the Non religious, for them a great life is attaining a certain level in what ever they have planned for themselves in this life we live. Not to forget the Buddhist and other religions that strongly believe in Peace being the ultimate way of a great life. We have people that believe in world dominance as greatness and those who believe in having material things as greatness. Some religions even mentioning of greatness which can be attained when dead, some believe Knowledge is the key  And i have always asked my self the question that i believe drove some minds to take on the daring of tasks, and asking the most feared questions: Which of these is true, or are they all wrong and i have to find my coat?
      Is greatness Good or Bad ?
Going back in time through history of Mankind and Mythologies, we stumble across names and events that most accept are great and others choose to stand at the other side of the bridge. The perfect Example of such, Adolph Hitler. Is Hitler Great or did he live a great life?
He sure believed in his childhood stories to the point he searched for the mysteries of the world, the legends and religious artifacts mentioned and he went past lines that we call Inhuman. but did he not have fans and followers then as now? No matter how much we try to justify an action or event, to another group of persons, it is the opposite. by justifying our actions, do they become right or just an exception ?
     But is there any exception to greatness?
As a fan of sports, i have read and witnessed people rise to greatness in sports. Michael Jordan, Lebron James, Kobe Bryant, Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo, Frank Lampard, Tom Brady, Michael Schumacher, Travis Pastrana, Tony Hawks and the list goes on and on. Am i a fan of all of them? No. But nonetheless, they have placed their banners in the category of the sport they all play. some arguably greater than others.
     At the end, what gives it away that one has finally attained greatness in their life or when they pass?
As a fan of stats and the idea of comparison , i will go with the system.As a matter of fact, majority of the world over time, have and will always agree with the numbers, be it anything.
Any event or person can be great, either with good records or bad ones. Measures for such greatness can be illustrated using the number line. Negative as it is , being the negative part which holds disapproval and Positive which holds approval. the lower the number falls on both sides indicates how much an event or person will be categorized as great. The Holocaust remembered for its great numbers but when compared to that which happened in Uganda it is of a greater event and importance. For revolutions to be successful, the number needs to increase to a certain level of consideration.
     In the end, Greatness comes after an action. its the effect that comes along with every action and the magnitude at which it was done. so before you go on saying one had a great life or an awful one, think of the persons actions and the effects of those actions to the people involved. And always remember, the world we live in is trying so hard to make us see the truth but we are on the other hand trying so hard to ignore it. Voice what you see and feel but only after a well thought out period , cause you never know why he/she did what they did or they are doing...

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