Sunday, March 3, 2013

What do we really want in Life?

     I often ask people what they really want in life ? and every time they go round and round telling me how they want to be rich, get to meet some one or have something about them out there and so on.And after a while they start doubting if that's what they really want. At first i was kind of same, but after a while of living and not being able to get most of those dreams to come to reality, i stumbled across something rather unusual, which i believe a couple of people have finally gotten hold of and accepted. People, books and all will keep telling you things on how to realize your true potential and how to get what you want. What if what you want is not what you need? what if your perception on life is off?
i am not saying i know exactly what you need, or from what angle you need to view life from. but i have come to notice that every human in this life wants to be acknowledged.
      A friend keeps ringing it to my ears on how much men do everything in life just to have a woman at the end of it or women in some cases. And women do same to get the attention of the men around. Being a good stupid friend that loves adding humor to everything, quickly asked about the Homosexuals, And he goes to tell me how same applies for them but in a more challenging way compared to Heterosexuals. We go through life changing and adapting as time passes and we get to develop a certain character towards everything. For those who grew up being the center of attraction always tend to try their best to stay that way, even if it means changing their very core. We have seen and heard of cases of people moving away from their families, groups or even societies to be able to make a statement or to be heard. Rarely will you stumble upon some one who just wants never to be noticed. cause even serial killers are driven by the knowledge of their actions being a topic or a phenomenon out there.
      In the end, every human craves to be acknowledge, noticed and appreciated. its the most important thing for us. so before you go about shouting what and who you want to be, be sure of the reason why you doing it. the group of people you are seeking their acknowledgement.
      No Matter what we do in life, for us to be successful, we need to know how far we are willing to go to get that thing we want. And to be a success in anything, you have to first acknowledge yourself and the rest of the world will follow..

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