Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Over time, things as we know have and will always change. Even the sciences that we so believe to be based on facts. Religion based on history. Socialization, Economies, power and what so ever we know of.
But what I am writing about is not about science, religion or any other thing but Racism.
Racism as we know it is typically having a certain kind of negative feeling towards a race. But in recent years, this racism has disguised it’s self in different ways of which its most commonly unrecognized form is Stereotypes.
According to the Merriam Webster’s dictionary of English, Racism is a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race; Or racial prejudice or discrimination. The Oxford online dictionary defines racism as the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
On the other hand, Stereotype is defined by the Oxford Dictionary of English as a person or thing that conforms to a widely held but oversimplified image of the class or type to which they belong.  While the Merriam Webster’s Dictionary defines it as something conforming to a fixed or general pattern; especiallya standardized mental picture that is held in common by members of a group and that represents an oversimplified opinion, prejudiced attitude, or uncritical judgment.
A close look at these definitions and you notice that the only difference with both of them is the one clear stated with that of oxford as Racism being to people of a race against that of stereotype exhibited towards a person or class of people associated with something.
I know what you are thinking now, I think about similar things as well when trying to justify my actions. If you are so quick to draw stereotypes by what you have read, heard and seen about certain individuals and using it as a base to judge a  group of people they belong, then I don’t see that as racism, Concur. No, i totally disagree. When we draw stereotypes, they are based on what we already have in mind about the race the person is from.
Stereotypes on the other hand takes similar traits like racism but stronger and the potency is determined by events and level of socialization and mix up.
As much as we try to claim, stereotype over racism for most of our actions, one from a distance or view will always see that as racism. For instance, there was a drive by yesterday in Denver being discussed on the news, the first conclusion drawn is that about Blacks or Hispanics. If a bomb goes off somewhere, the Arabs are the one to blame. And my favorite stereotype of all time, when one is scammed or defrauded, I will let you complete that one cause I already know what the world thinks about the popular Nigerian Prince Scams.

After careful, observation from my own perspective, I have come to understand that many people aged between 8-17 years of age tend to believe they are two races on earth, Black and White. And ages 18-26, are a little smarter (which they are supposed to), and they see a certain number of races based on their experiences, adding Yellow (Asians) and Brown (Arabs). For the rest of the age groups, what they think of a race is based on what occurred while in their early-mid 20s. Very few have the privilege to widen and understand how diverse and different races are and the traits they carry, from cultural to language differences.
As a result from the fight against racism, stereotypes are now the common way of exhibiting racism. A friend once said to me I cannot trust Black people cause they thieves, criminals and scumbags. As a fellow black person, I was offended but did not blame her. Because she is blinded by the media and stereotypes drawn around her that she forgot the friend she was trusting with such emotion and words is black as well. When she noticed, I was black again, she felt ashamed and started apologizing for her words and tried explaining herself. My response to her was not to bother, because I understand. And asked her if it was fair if I considered her race of people to be scoundrels, gold diggers and whores based on what the media and all has publicized? And the ended everything there.
We may say whatsoever we want to say about Racism and hide behind the not so protective Stereotype, then we are losing the war against Racism, having a Black American president won’t change anything. Nelson Mandela Clocking a hundred years and celebrating his freedom still won’t change anything. Until we get to understand the differences between races and individuals, we will keep losing. I have met amazing Arabs that have no idea about bombs and are not extremists, Nigerians that enjoy life and love the thrills it offers and amazingly sincere, Russians who can actually keep relationships and not mess around, surprisingly very smart Americans that actually know what is happening outside of their country and less intelligent Asians who suck at mathematics.
Yes I draw stereotypes as well, not going to claim I don’t. but I use my stereotypes as a means or an anti-racism when socializing.
Helps me understand what is sensitive and what is not and also the pace at which to move our relationship and how. And that’s towards an individual. 
Let’s put an end to RACISM and move on to developing this beautiful Home of ours called EARTH!!! 
Before you come to your own conclusions, ask yourself what you classify as stereotypes and how you view races.